Police are still trying to figure out what happened to a person who was reportedly hit by a car along I-30 near Dalrock. It happened around 10:00 p.m. Tuesday on the Dallas County side of the lake. “The information we got was that the pedestrian was struck by the mirror of a vehicle and had fallen to the pavement,” said Rowlett Police Detective Cruz Hernandez. “Officers arrived and were unable to locate the victim.” According to Hernandez, the driver returned to the scene and officers took statements from witnesses.
A wallet, some clothes and one shoe were found on the interstate, but investigators aren’t sure if those items are connected to the case. “There were no obvious signs of the point of impact, so we are following up on that information,” said Hernandez.
Westbound I-30 was shut down for about two hours. Some people who were leaving the fireworks show in Rockwall took to social media to describe the scene. “[It] took us 45 min to get from Horizon to Dalrock over the bridge, normally takes 5 min tops. Exited Dalrock around 11:15 and it still looked like a parking lot after our exit,” said one woman on Facebook. Rowlett PD has contacted the Dallas Police Department, which patrols Lake Ray Hubbard by boat. Hernandez said they’ll be on the look out for any signs of the victim.
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When you or a family member has been involved in an automobile accident, it’s time to seek the advice of a specialized auto accident attorney. Don’t hesitate to contact Joe Lucé at your convenience! When you need an experienced attorney, our team is here for you. Contact us online or call us at (972) 632-1300. We look forward to speaking with you soon and offering our assistance!