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for your personal injury and
civil litigation needs.

Facts About Business Litigation Attorneys

Facts About Business Litigation AttorneysWhen you are looking for an attorney, you may already have a preconceived notion of what to expect. There are some facts about business litigation attorneys you should be aware of so you can choose the best one for your case. The team at Lucé Law, PC is happy to sit and talk with you about your case to determine how we can assist you. Here are some things to consider when choosing your business litigation attorney.

Most Offer Free Consultations

To determine if an attorney is a good fit, you need to talk with them about your case. Most business litigation attorneys offer a free consultation to discuss the facts about your particular situation. This is a short meeting of approximately half an hour in which you bring pertinent documents and ask questions. An attorney will be able to provide advice, accept your case, or refer you to someone else who can assist you.

They Fight for Your Best Interests

When you hire an attorney, they have a duty to represent you zealously and make decisions based on what is in your best interest. Your attorney should always clearly communicate your options, let you know the legal consequences of each, and help you make the right choice. If you have an attorney who you feel is not making decisions based on your best interest, you have the right to switch.

If They Can’t Help, They Know Someone Who Will

Sometimes a legal issue with your business may fall outside an attorney’s realm of experience. While they may not be a good fit, odds are they know someone who can assist you. The legal community is a small one. Talk to one business litigation attorney, and you will be able to tap into a wide network with many experienced and skilled attorneys.

If you need a business litigation attorney, contact Lucé Law, PC. Call (972) 632-1300 to schedule your free consultation.


Legal Practice Areas

Joe Lucé represents individuals dealing with the repercussions of personal injuries, auto accidents, slip and fall injuries and wrongful death.
Personal Injury

Personal Injury

Our experience dealing with personal injury claims means we know how to get results.

wrongful Death attorney

Wrongful Death

The loss of a loved one is compounded when it’s the result of wrongful death.

Slip and Fall Injuries

Slip and Fall Injuries

Slip and fall accidents occur regularly in commercial buildings, workplaces, stores and malls.

Auto Accidents

Auto Accidents

Auto accidents are frequently preventable, with distracted drivers, vehicle malfunctions and other conditions to blame.