Getting a Marriage Annulment in Collin County
Marriage is a contract between two people. There are certain terms that can cause a contract to be terminated, and can cause the end a marriage. When you are seeking an annulment, there are two terms that you need to be aware of. The two keywords are “void” and “voidable.” Below is a brief explanation of those key terms that you can look over before scheduling a consultation with an annulment attorney.
Grounds for a Void Marriage Contract
- Consanguinity
- Existence of Bigamy
Consanguinity is marriage to a close relation. The marriage is void should a person marry someone in their family. If you or the other party were married to another person at the time of the marriage, then the marriage is considered void.
Grounds for a Voidable Marriage
- Divorce 30 days before the marriage
- Fraud, duress or force
- Marriage prior to 72 hours after the issuance of a marriage license
- Petitioner under the influence of narcotics or alcohol at the time of marriage
- Permanent impotency
- Mental incapacity
The difference between void and voidable grounds is that the petitioner carries the burden of proof. Grounds for a void marriage are considered so serious and easily proven that the marriage is instantly annulled. Due to the nature of voidable grounds, the petition may prove to be a lengthy process. Rest assured that Lucé Law, PC will diligently represent you in order to attain the best possible outcome.
For more information regarding annulments, contact your annulment attorney online for a free initial consultation or call (972) 632-1300.