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Five Practical Steps to Take After an Auto Accident

Holiday Season Car AccidentsTraffic accidents are all too common in this day and age. The impact of an auto accident can be far reaching for the victims of the crash. You could be stuck with expensive auto repairs, costly medical bills, and debilitating injuries. If you are involved in an auto accident, here are five practical steps to take afterward to help protect yourself:

1. Call Emergency Services

First, understand that nothing is more important than your life. Call 911 immediately and request an ambulance if anybody involved in the accident is injured. This needs to be your first step as delaying care could have dire consequences.

2. Generate a Police Report

Next, request a police report be generated for the accident. This documentation can be used later on during a claims process. The police report can be valuable evidence in determining which driver was at fault. Just remember, never admit to being at fault in an accident to anybody. It is not up to you to decide that.

3. Document The Accident

Along with the police report, make your own documentation of the accident. Jot down some notes that briefly describe the who, what, when, when, why, and how of the accident. This includes getting the other driver’s personal and insurance policy information. Talk to witnesses of the accidents and note down their phone numbers. Use your smartphone to take a few pictures of the accident, including some overview angles and closeups of any damage or evidence such as treadmarks on the pavement.

4. Contact Your Insurance Company

Now that you have some clarity on the events and the other driver’s information, you should give your insurance company a call. Depending on your coverage, your insurer may provide some immediate assistance such as medical coverage, a rental car, and auto repair. They can also demand the other driver’s insurance company to cover these costs in the long run. In case the other driver is uninsured, some insurance policies include “uninsured motorist” coverage to still provide you compensation.

5. Consult with an Attorney

You may be entitled to additional compensation for your accident. You could be eligible if you suffer a major injury, undue pain and suffering, time out of work, and damage to your property beyond what insurance is willing to cover. An attorney can help you seek compensation for these types of damages in a car accident. Request a consultation with a law firm specializing in personal injury and auto accidents to understand your rights in this situation.

If you or a loved one has been in a car accident, these steps will help you handle the aftermath and get your life back as quickly as possible. Request a no-risk consultation with Attorney Joe Lucé to understand your right to compensation by contacting us online or calling (972) 632-1300 today.

Legal Practice Areas

Joe Lucé represents individuals dealing with the repercussions of personal injuries, auto accidents, slip and fall injuries and wrongful death.
Personal Injury

Personal Injury

Our experience dealing with personal injury claims means we know how to get results.

wrongful Death attorney

Wrongful Death

The loss of a loved one is compounded when it’s the result of wrongful death.

Slip and Fall Injuries

Slip and Fall Injuries

Slip and fall accidents occur regularly in commercial buildings, workplaces, stores and malls.

Auto Accidents

Auto Accidents

Auto accidents are frequently preventable, with distracted drivers, vehicle malfunctions and other conditions to blame.