Many people think that having an insurance policy that is in good standing means that they can get help when they need it. Attorney Joe Lucé at Lucé Law, PC can make sure that you get what is rightfully yours if you are injured in an auto accident. Insurance claim assistance is one of the most important areas of legal advice that you may need, and Attorney Lucé is an authority on it and all aspects of personal injury.
Going it alone and trying to work with your insurance company after your accident may mean that precious time is lost. Insurance companies deal with people who were injured in accidents every day, and they are skilled in working with accident victims. You may hope that they want to honor your claim as a customer of long standing, but you may find that is not going to happen. Attorney Joe Lucé has a record of success in representing clients who have made a personal injury claim like yours, and he knows the ropes and how to deal with insurance companies.
Insurance settlements tend to drag on if you do not have someone who can keep them moving along. An experienced accident attorney in McKinney who has won settlements for other clients who were injured is your best bet. You know that the welfare of your family depends on the quality of representation that you obtain. Insurance companies know which attorneys stand up to them and which ones they can push around. Attorney Joe Lucé is aggressive in pursuit of getting a fair settlement to compensate you for your injuries.
As the days pass, your medical bills can mount up and the damage to your car may keep you from using it. If you have lost time from your job, the wages you missed are damages that you need to recover. The skilled professionals who work with Attorney Joe Lucé can help you understand what you can expect to receive as compensation when your claim is enforced. Make a call to Lucé Law, PC at (972) 632-1300 or contact us online today to start protecting your future.