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Establishing Paternity in McKinney, TX

Establishing Paternity McKinney, TXIn order to protect your rights during a custody battle, you’ll first need to establish that you are the biological and/or legal father of your children. Divorce law in Texas states that both the father and mother of the child have the right to request custody over their children, so it’s important that you contact a McKinney paternity lawyer if your paternity is in doubt. Lucé Law, PC can help you prove that you are the father of your children so that you can get the visitation or custody to which you are entitled.

Paternity Laws in Texas

If you were married to your child’s mother at the time the child was born, you don’t have to worry; Texas law says you are presumed to be the father of the children unless a paternity test proves otherwise. However, if you were not married to the mother, paternity testing is mandatory to establish paternity.

Both fathers and mothers are interested in establishing the paternity of the father during a divorce. The biological father of a child has both legal rights and responsibilities, including:

  • The right to seek joint or sole custody of the child
  • The right to visit the child on a regular basis.
  • The responsibility to pay child support.

By establishing paternity, fathers can prove that they are entitled to a relationship with the child and mothers can prove that they have the right to demand child support.

How Paternity is Established

In most cases, fathers who were not wed to the mother at the time of birth can prove paternity using a simple blood test. Lab technicians compare the father’s DNA to the child’s DNA to determine whether he is the father. If DNA test results match, paternity is established.

Adoptive Fathers

Adoptive fathers don’t have to worry about paternity tests because the adoption paperwork states that the father is considered the child’s legal guardian.

If you need to establish paternity due to a divorce or child custody issue, don’t wait. Let us help. Please call Lucé Law, PC at (972) 632-1300 or contact us online today to schedule a free consultation.

Legal Practice Areas

Joe Lucé represents individuals dealing with the repercussions of personal injuries, auto accidents, slip and fall injuries and wrongful death.
Personal Injury

Personal Injury

Our experience dealing with personal injury claims means we know how to get results.

wrongful Death attorney

Wrongful Death

The loss of a loved one is compounded when it’s the result of wrongful death.

Slip and Fall Injuries

Slip and Fall Injuries

Slip and fall accidents occur regularly in commercial buildings, workplaces, stores and malls.

Auto Accidents

Auto Accidents

Auto accidents are frequently preventable, with distracted drivers, vehicle malfunctions and other conditions to blame.